
Status: Open

Payment for commission is by paypal.For each option, you can find more option on Deviant Art, Website or Instagram

Terms of Services

Basic Commission Rules

Will Draw
Any animal
Humans & humanoids of all kind

Won't Draw
Fetish Art
Robots & Mechas

° Payment for commission is by paypal.
° Payment 100% upfront or 50% at the start and 50% before delivery
° To order, contact me on any social media, or fill the google form
° Are Judge complex characters: designs with a lots of small details or changes in colors.
° Are judged complex background: environements with a lots of details such as cities, urban areas or dense forests.
° I not work from description, I ask a reference or other art of the character or pet to work from.
° If given a reasonable deadline, it will always be respected except if emergencies arise

Terms of Service

° I reserve the right to refuse or cancel any commission for any reason
° Each clients must provide reference or picture of the character or pet they want drawn.
° Each clients must be specific about they want.
° A commission cancelled before any work has been done, it is refunded to the amount the customer gave for it. (50% or 100% of the price depending on the client's payement plan)
° A commission cancelled after the sketch is refunded at 80% of the total price
° A commission cancelled in the middle of rendering will be refunded at 50%
° I do not refund commission that are finished or cancelled when 90% finished.
° I will keep the full copyright of the commission. To repost it you have to credit me, and you cannot use the art for commercial use, except if arranged otherwise with a proper contract.
° The client will not alter the commission without my consent.
° I reserve the full right to post any commission online and use it as promotion for my work, except aranged otherwise.
° When commissioning me, the client automatically agree to the Termes of Services and Rules of Commissions.
° Failure to respect my TOS will land in the client being blacklisted to any further buying of a Commission, YCH or YHH.
° Shipping cost of a watercolor commission will always be paid by the client

Commission Prices

Payment for commission is by paypal.
Payment 100% upfront or 50% at the start and 50% before delivery
To order, contact me on any social media, or fill the google form


Additional Character:
+ 60% per character
above 4 characters +50%
above 7 characters +40%
Simple: +5-20€
complex: +10-50€
Complexity fee:
Complex markings or detailed clothing: +3-10€

MainBustWaist ShotFullbody

Additional Character:
+ 60% per character
above 4 characters +50%
above 7 characters +40%
Simple ground is free
Simple: +20€
complex: +50-100€
depending on the level of details
Complexity fee:
Wings: +5€
Complex markings or detailed clothing: +5-20€
depending on the level of details

Pet Portraits

In Pet portraits, you ask specifically for a pet, you have access to the same styles as in regular commissions, but you also have access to more styles.For watercolor, keep an eye on Instagram, it's here it all happens !

MainBustWaist ShotFullbody

Additional Character:
+ 60% per character
above 4 characters +50%
above 7 characters +40%
Simple ground is free
Simple: +20€
complex: +50-100€
depending on the level of details

Out of List

You want an option or style you saw in my gallery and isn't in my pricings ?
No Issues !
Come to talk to me on any social media, and we can discuss the price of it and find a way to do a personnalized option just for you !